அஸ்வகோஷ் ஆவணப்படத்தின் உருவாக்கம்: வம்சி, உமா கதிருடன் ஓர் உரையாடல்அஸ்வகோஷ் ஆவணப்படத்தின் உருவாக்கம்: வம்சி, உமா கதிருடன் ஓர் உரையாடல்

அஸ்வகோஷ் ஆவணப்படத்தின் உருவாக்கம்: வம்சி, உமா கதிருடன் ஓர் உரையாடல்

தமிழ் எழுத்தாளர் ராஜேந்திர சோழனின் ஆவணப்படத்தை தயாரித்த வம்சி மற்றும் உமா கதிர் ஆகியோருடன் ஓர் உரையாடல்.

5 years ago
Conversation with Oren Gerner: Best Director at SGIFF 2019Conversation with Oren Gerner: Best Director at SGIFF 2019

Conversation with Oren Gerner: Best Director at SGIFF 2019

What is it like to direct a movie in your home, with your parents making up the cast?

5 years ago
Found Filmmaking: a conversation with Filipino filmmaker Raymund Ribay GutierrezFound Filmmaking: a conversation with Filipino filmmaker Raymund Ribay Gutierrez

Found Filmmaking: a conversation with Filipino filmmaker Raymund Ribay Gutierrez

What does it take to make a movie that doesn't shy away from reality?

5 years ago
The Qatsi TrilogyThe Qatsi Trilogy

The Qatsi Trilogy

Konstantinos introduces us to a case study of existentialism through the lens, montage, and music.

5 years ago
A Woman’s Work: A Perspective on Work and ExploitationA Woman’s Work: A Perspective on Work and Exploitation

A Woman’s Work: A Perspective on Work and Exploitation

Amarnath shares his thoughts after watching the documentary about NFL's cheerleader problem.

5 years ago
Bombay Rose: On patriarchy and the Indian maleBombay Rose: On patriarchy and the Indian male

Bombay Rose: On patriarchy and the Indian male

Ramchander has questions after watching Gitanjali Rao's animated film.

5 years ago
Mysteries of MonsoonMysteries of Monsoon

Mysteries of Monsoon

Sripad Sridhar shares his experiences as a wildlife photographer and filmmaker.

5 years ago


A flash fiction piece by Swetha Senthilkumar, that takes off from the movie The Railway Man.

5 years ago
The ReformistThe Reformist

The Reformist

Kurien watches a movie about the world's first female imam.

5 years ago
About the thirteenth issueAbout the thirteenth issue

About the thirteenth issue

Find out what's in store!

5 years ago
Original vs Remake: Hollywood’s Need to Retell the Story (or the Lack Thereof)Original vs Remake: Hollywood’s Need to Retell the Story (or the Lack Thereof)

Original vs Remake: Hollywood’s Need to Retell the Story (or the Lack Thereof)

How many more remakes do we need? Is it the American audience's demand to Americanise foreign successes, or Hollywood's mania…

5 years ago
The Eyes of the BeholderThe Eyes of the Beholder

The Eyes of the Beholder

Vaishnavi's short story is about an Amitabh Bachchan fan who has a terrible secret.

5 years ago
Poomani’s Vekkai & Vetrimaran’s Asuran – From novel to screenPoomani’s Vekkai & Vetrimaran’s Asuran – From novel to screen

Poomani’s Vekkai & Vetrimaran’s Asuran – From novel to screen

A.Ramasamy presents his take on the adaptation of a Tamil novel into a film.

5 years ago
Orna returns to workOrna returns to work

Orna returns to work

Sadhna's illustration inspired by the film Working Woman.

5 years ago
About the twelfth issueAbout the twelfth issue

About the twelfth issue

Welcome, let's get acquainted!

5 years ago
Indie, Low Budget, and Utterly Mind-BendingIndie, Low Budget, and Utterly Mind-Bending

Indie, Low Budget, and Utterly Mind-Bending

Konstantinos writes about some indie films that are… complicated, to put it simply.

5 years ago
Don’t analyse the magic: Ildikó Enyedi’s On Body and SoulDon’t analyse the magic: Ildikó Enyedi’s On Body and Soul

Don’t analyse the magic: Ildikó Enyedi’s On Body and Soul

Gréta Csernik writes about the recent rise of Hungarian cinema.

5 years ago

Enyedi Ildikó filmje, Testről és lélekről – A magyar mozi

Csernik Gréta írja a magyar mozi közelmúltbeli megjelenését.

5 years ago

Amitava Nag’s Heroes and Heroines

A few questions for the author on his new book.

5 years ago

Amanda Nell Eu loves monsters

A conversation with the Malaysian filmmaker.

5 years ago

An old man and a solitary man

Ramchander writes about Bharathiraja’s OM and Parthiban’s Oththa Seruppu, screened at Singapore South Asian International Film Festival.

5 years ago

About the eleventh issue

This time around, we have a few interviews, film analysis, art work, missives from film festivals.

6 years ago

My experience at Cannes

Rose Dymock attended the film festival earlier this year.

6 years ago

State of the industry: Ken Loach at Cannes

Rose Dymock writes about Ken Loach’s conversation with his collaborators at Cannes 2019.

6 years ago

Thoughts on the European Union Film Festival 2019

Ramchander writes about his experiences at the European Union Film Festival.

6 years ago

The Ten Most Impactful Scenes of European Union Film Festival 2019

Ramchander shares a scene each from the ten European movies he watched at the film festival.

6 years ago

Adapting 300: Mise en scène & Visual Effects

Konstantinos discusses the movie and the graphic novel that was a major influence.

6 years ago

La Novia

Carla and Henrik attended the screening of La Novia at the EUFF 2019, representing The World of Apu.

6 years ago