Malayalam cinema

Kalyani’s act of courageKalyani’s act of courage

Kalyani’s act of courage

Parshathy J Nath speaks to Garggi Ananthan, who played the lead role in the Malayalam film Run Kalyani.

4 years ago
Snapshots from DALIFF 2019Snapshots from DALIFF 2019

Snapshots from DALIFF 2019

Aswin Ramachandran attended the Dalit Film and Cultural Festival (DALIFF) in New York earlier this year, and wrote about it…

6 years ago
In conversation with R. AbilashIn conversation with R. Abilash

In conversation with R. Abilash

Athiyan interviews Tamil writer and film enthusiast R. Abilash. This conversation touches on politics, caste, love, and more; rooted in…

7 years ago
ஆர்.அபிலாஷுடன் ஓர் உரையாடல்ஆர்.அபிலாஷுடன் ஓர் உரையாடல்

ஆர்.அபிலாஷுடன் ஓர் உரையாடல்

தமிழ் எழுத்தாளர், சினிமா ஆர்வலர் ஆர். அபிலாஷூடன் அதியனின் நேர்காணல். தமிழகத்தின் தற்போதைய சமூகக் கலாசாரச் சூழலில் வேரூன்றி இருக்கும் அரசியல், சாதி, காதல், போன்ற பலவற்றையும்…

7 years ago
LGBTQ+ stories at City of AsylumLGBTQ+ stories at City of Asylum

LGBTQ+ stories at City of Asylum

Anusha Srinivasan writes about Sancharram and Trembling Before G-d, films that talk about oft-ignored stories.

7 years ago
Chemmeen: The novel and the filmChemmeen: The novel and the film

Chemmeen: The novel and the film

Athiyan writes about his experience of reading a Tamil translation of Chemmeen, the Malayalam novel, and watching Chemmeen, the classic…

7 years ago